In September 2019, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) awarded the “Connecting first-time parents to contraceptive services through diverse platforms (Connect)” project to Save the Children. Connect aims to increase the use of postpartum family planning among first-time mothers (FTMs; ages 15-24) by layering an additional activity onto large-scale health and nutrition initiatives that already reach FTMs. In Tanzania, Connect partners with the USAID’s Lishe Endelevu (LE) project (Sustainable Nutrition in Kiswahili). Lishe Endelevu reaches first-time parents, their family members, and community influencers through community-based outreach activities.

The Connect project aims to develop, test, scale, and evaluate “program approaches”— modifications to existing activities that leverage the project’s reach to better meet the needs of FTMs.

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