Health & Nutrition
Sunday 3 March 2024
Amasa and 20 fellow community members from the Muungano group, residents of Hombolo Makulu Village in Dodoma District and beneficiaries of the 'USAID Lishe Endelevu' activity, have begun to enjoy a healthy life and a stable economy by raising rabbits, which provides them with nutrition and income.
Wednesday 7 February 2024
Monday 1 November 2021
With 47% stunting rate (TNS 2018) above national average 32%, Rukwa is one of the regions in Tanzania with high under-nutrition rates despite being one of the bread basket regions of Tanzania. Before Lishe Endelevu interventions, Rukwa had not recently received any donor support targeting nutrition.
Wednesday 19 May 2021
Meet Mr. Donat Mdao (47 years old) a Lishe Endelevu crop model farmer who lives in Kongwa at Matongoro ward of Dodoma Region. He is a farmer and the only parent to his three under five children after his wife passed away a year ago.