
Thursday 2 December 2021

Save the Children Welcomes the Government Decision to Overturn Education ban for Adolescent Mothers

01 NOVEMBER, 2021: DAR ES SALAAM. Save the Children welcomes and applauds the United Republic of Tanzania’s decision to overturn the education ban for adolescent girls who fall pregnant while at school. This decision has come at a time when inclusive and equitable quality education is needed for both girls and boys.

Monday 1 November 2021

Save the Children’s Digitisation Drive: Meet Robert Kadikilo, our first T4D Specialist


February 2021, Robert Kadikilo joined Save the Children Tanzania to take on the ambitious Technology for Development (T4D) role as the first ever specialist focusing on driving digital transformation.

Monday 1 November 2021

Improving Access to Safe Learning Environment for Children, particularly girls in Zanzibar

Monday 1 November 2021

Ideas Box - Bridging the Digital Divide in Refugee Camps

Monday 1 November 2021

One Stop Centre: Supporting victims of violence in rural Kigoma

Elizabeth (not her real name) a resident of one of the villages in Kibondo District in Kigoma Region was only 14 years when she was raped several times by her uncle who threatened to kill her if she revealed her ordeal. However, she still decided to get help but due to the long distance to the counselling service unit, the police station and the health centre, Elizabeth only received first aid a day later - and was told there was no evidence of rape! 
